Quickie Post For Word Count

Word Count: 3938

We bowled tonight and I’m pooped. I wanted to share really quick about something that happened tonight. I was bowling pretty badly and I kept trying to figure out what I was doing wrong. About halfway through the second game, when I had a whopping 26 in the fifth frame, I suddenly thought, “Nothing about any of the balls I’ve thrown tonight has anything to do with the ball I’m about to throw.” I threw a strike, followed by another strike. I ended up with a 136 game–not what was predictable halfway through, for sure! Such is the power of putting the past in the past and getting it the heck out of the future. Thank you, Landmark Education Forum!

It’s really the same thing with NaNoWriMo. I did try two years ago, but I didn’t even come close to winning. I could have let that dictate how it would turn out this year. I still could, for that matter. My commitment this year is not to let the past have any say in the matter.

Just putting the thought out there, because really, nothing about how yesterday went needs to have an impact on today. Have a marvelous Thursday, full of the miraculous!