New Year! New Goals!

It took me longer to get back to the blog than I had planned, which I’m committed to not set a trend for the year! My daughter, the one with the new baby, broke her wrist and needed more help than we expected, so I contribute the slowdown to an emergency!


You know all the cool stuff I talked about in my last post as possibilities? I’m not doing any of it! I looked at what really needs to happen this year and at the projects I’m already taken on and discovered that adding two more, regardless of coolness, just didn’t make sense. Instead, here’s what I’m working on:

– Rereading and revising the novel I wrote for NaNoWriMo with a plan to start marketing it in September.

– Reorganizing this blog and posting on it 2-3 time a week. Maybe more.

– Writing regular book reviews here. Since I read a little of everything, this should throw a lot of variety in your direction!

– Outlining and starting a new book. I had a great idea inspired by the Postcard Challenge, although I’m not doing the art part of it.


Right now, I have two major projects to get going:

– I signed up to do an Embroiderer’s Guild of America group correspondence course, making a pulled thread sampler. Pulled thread, in this instance, refers to stitches that distort or pull the fabric to create a kind of lacy look. I will post pictures of the work in progress. It has to be complete by July 2nd, so we can mail it to the instructor to evaluate. Please let my fingers do their job!

– Setting up my Etsy store, taking good pictures of my work, and getting it up for sale. This entails quite a lot of work, some of which I don’t know how to do yet. My goal is to have it operational by the end of January, so I can post hearts for Valentine’s!

– Okay, three projects. As a stitcher, I have things hung on my wall that prove I can’t count. My third project is to ensure that I clay at least two days a week to make sure I have fresh stuff up on the Etsy site!


Making resolutions at the beginning of the year is not a path to joy. In fact, it’s more likely to be a path to guilt, upset, and failure. On the other hand, having a plan for what you’re going to accomplish this year can be a joyful experience, because you aren’t drifting through life aimlessly. The trick is figuring out what you really want to accomplish, deciding what it will take to do that, and, most importantly, building a support system and accountability. Here are a few tips:

1. Name your project, determine what the goal is, and by when you will accomplish it. “I’m going to start an exercise program and lose weight” is not going to get the job done. How about something like:

The Bikini Project

1. Lose 20 lbs. by June 1st by measuring the portions that enter my mouth, eating a low fat diet, and cutting out cookies, cake, and daily chocolate.

2. Start yoga and pilates classes at the rec center, to tone up my abs. Lose two inches around my waist, hips, and chest by June 1st.

3. Buy a teeny, weeny, yellow polka-dot bikini June 2nd and hit the beach!

That describes the what and how of of the project. Now, you need to set up some support. Tell everybody you know, even the people you know won’t believe you can do it, that you’re going to do this. Pick some friends who you know will support you, especially if they’re doing something similar, and set up accountability. Using the example above, you could join a yoga class together so you can support each other in going. You could weigh in once a week together. You could even take each other’s measurements to make sure you stay honest! And on June 2nd, you could shop for the bikini together!

All I’m saying is set up your resolutions so you’re likely to achieve them. Instead of walking away from them after two weeks and having another failure, set yourself up to win!

It’s the one best way to create miracles!

It’s Done And I Did It; First December Snow

Okay, I might be overstating a little. But only a little!


NaNoWriMo 2011 is over. Yesterday, I typed the last words in my book (I actually hit 50,000 day before yesterday). I’ve been a little giddy ever since. Have you ever done something you really didn’t think you could do? I highly recommend it. I will never not be a novelist again.

I printed the book out yesterday and put it in the notebook my husband made for me. I will show it to people, but I’m not reading for at least a month. I still think it’s a good idea and possibly marketable, but I’m totally tired of those people and I don’t want to talk them right now!

Other Stuff

I still haven’t taken pictures of the seahorse necklace or the necklace I made for my stepmom for Christmas (I’m not giving anything away; she has a hard time e-mailing, much less surfing). The light today was too flat.

Picture of garden bunny covered in snowMy beautiful autumn pansies may be retired for the season:

And since I was giddy:

Picture of snow angel I madeI did it while nobody was looking and I refuse to publicly acknowledge that I, dignified individual that I’m not, would ever do such a silly thing. Y’all won’t tell, right?


I wish everyone could feel the way I feel today. Even though I spent the day catching up on housekeeping that went by the wayside while I wrote, I have an amazing sense of myself stretching to include something new in who I know myself to be. The only way to achieve this is to do something you never thought you could do. And I promise you, it does not matter what that thing is. Find something you want to do and find a way to do it, even when you’re sure you can’t and everyone around you is convinced that you can’t. Really, unless you’ve chosen something really unachievable, like surviving a leap off a tall bridge with no parachute, you can have this sense of accomplishment and mastery.

I really, really encourage you to do it, whatever it is. A whole new world will open for you and you’ll know the only one who held you back was you. Go for it! Miracles await!

Still Writing: What’s Really Valuable

Wow, do you believe that? After I post this, I’m going to keep going, but I wanted to give you, my faithful supporters, a quick update.


I’m in the sprint to finish up by midnight, 11/30 (for friends from elsewhere, 30/11), so this has to be pretty short. I did want to mention two things I have found to be of great value in this process.

The first is my e-mail. I get around 300 e-mails a day, most of them from chains and stores who want me to spend money. Some are book review sites who also want me to spend money. It’s amazing how much e-mail I get that I just delete. I used to try to read it all. What was I thinking? When I’m finished with the book, I’m going to get off as many of those lists as I can. Even deleting them takes too much time. I want my life back!

Warning: This part’s a fundraising effort. I need more sponsors for The Office of Letters and Light, the people who put on NaNoWriMo every year. Please donate; aside from what this journey has given me personally, these folks make writing programs for people as young as kindergarten. Their servers need to keep running!! Here’s the page to donate. Please remember that every penny helps, so give what you can. My goal is $250; as you can see, I’m woefully short!

Support Wikipedia

Something I’ve discovered: This book could not be written without Wikipedia. If you think about it, anybody living an online life consults Wikipedia fairly often. They keep this incredible free resource running on very darn little. After donating to The Office of Letters and Light, give a little to these folks, too.


Hah! You see that word count? I’ve been tied to my computer. Maybe in three days, okay?


You know, I haven’t thought about joy a lot these past few days, due to the ending push on the novel. When I typed the word, I stopped for a second and thought about everything and everyone who has made this crazy month possible. I thought about how my family has stood beside me and put up with my absence even when I was in the same room. They’ve had a tough month, too.

So I’m dedicating this section to family. My immediate family will all be coming to Denver during December for vacations and celebrations. My grandson will be a year old and my granddaughter will be born. Amidst the joy, we’ll have some sorrows: we lost my father at this time last year, a month after my daughter lost my first grandson. Yet, we’ll be together and as Spider Robinson said, “Shared pain is lessened. Shared joy is increased. Thus do we defeat entropy.” I’m glad we’ll be together.

Share your holidays with someone, okay? And create miracles; this time of year is just made for them.



Today I will go over 40,000 words in a novel I had given up hope of ever writing. Whether or not it gets published or is even worth publishing, I will never again be able to say I didn’t do it. Since today is Thanksgiving Day in the US and thankfulness is an all-around good thing, here are some writing things I’m thankful for:

My family, including my husband (Bill), son (Patrick), and daughter (Jessica). Thank you for putting up with me while I worked horrible hours, writing technical manuals for clients. Thank you for supporting me during NaNoWriMo. Writing is a solitary art and you have often put up with not having me around while I was in the same room.

My friends and supporters, including Lori Wostl, Betsy, Nuala, Cyndy, Chris, Eric, Lisa, Ingrid, Jeff, Ruth, Cait, Dan, Mary Ann, and so many others who never give up on me even when I do. You know that saying “I wish I was the person my dog thinks I am?” These are the people who never let me be less than the person they know I am.

Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers, because I get to occasionally hang out with people who are incredible writers and who think I could be, too.

Writers In The Storm, for glimpses into their world as published and supporting writers. “Oh, brave new world! That has such people in it!” (Shakespeare, The Tempest)

The Office of Letters and Light, the fine folks who make NaNoWriMo a reality. They also provide support for The Young Writers Program, an opportunity for young people to grow up knowing they can write.


First and foremost, I am so very thankful for Christi Friesen, who generously shares her gift and inspiration with anyone at all. Her generosity has given so many of us new faith in our own artistic abilities. Plus, she’s really fun to hang out with!

Embroiderer’s Guild of America, where I received my training in color and design, beside fabulous companions, a lot of fun, and a marvelous stash of fibers and beads, although never the ones needed for a new project. Despite my husband’s belief, my stash is small in comparison to many!

Lori Wostl, whose constant example lets me know what’s possible when living a dream. Thank you so much for being on my planet, Lori!


First and foremost, I give thanks to and for Werner Erhard and Landmark Education. Thanks to doing the est Training in 1979, when I was 24, I have spent my adult like knowing I had a choice. The Forum, the Curriculum for Living, graduate seminars, and the Assisting Program have reminded me repeatedly. Thank you so much!

My family and friends. Without you, I would live in a barren wasteland, listening to me talk to myself badly. Thank you so much! I love each and everyone one of you!

Elizabeth of Mirth and Motivation, for bringing joy and great pictures to my internet world. You are a blessing!

The US Armed Services, men and women who volunteer to keep our country and way of life protected. Without you, the freedom of expression I and so many others hold dear would rapidly become a thing of a buried past. Your service is more appreciated than I can possibly say.

Everyone generous enough to read and comment on this blog. Without you, this is just maundering in the dark. It’s nice to be read!

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Quickie To Update On Novel: It’s Still On


As you can see, the game is still on, despite a threatened dry spell earlier this week. I’m going to try to get a little further ahead tomorrow, in case I have a job starting sometime this week.


Remember those starfish and the seahorse? I got them strung in a necklace. It needs a couple of structural elements and then I’ll post pictures. Then I’ll put it up for sale! Whee!

I wore it today on a test run (I’d rather the crimps gave on me than somebody else) and the seahorse was taste-tested by a fifteen-month-old boy. He was disappointed and did not leave teethmarks. I’m not sure what that says.


All I have tonight is this: I heard one of my favorite songs today. It’s “Don’t Worry, Be Happy”. I know it sounds a little silly but you know, he’s right. If you’re worrying, you’re not being present to what’s happening now. You’re thinking about some future that may or may not occur. To top it off, that future that you’re envisioning is based on information from your past. There it is again: a future based only in the past. The future isn’t here yet and may not look the way you thought anyway. The past is over and can’t be changed. All you have is the present. Just live it.

Have a great Monday and create a miracle or two. In the present, of course!

The Midpoint: Made It And Still Writing


I’m racing to catch up again, due to a daughter placed on modified bed rest, meaning she can’t do her own laundry, cook her own food, or anything else that requires being on her feet for more than five minutes. Mom to the rescue!

In addition, today I’m interviewing for a tech writing job to start on Monday. I wouldn’t even consider it except the pay is amazing and my Christmas budget right now is nonexistent. It requires me to be onsite 22 miles from my house. Public transportation (which includes riding a train, so it isn’t all bad) here I come! Besides, I can write on the train, except for when I’m looking out the window or people watching.


I posted a couple of pieces for sale on E-Bay, part of the proceeds of which will be donated to The Office of Letters and Light, the fine people who bring us NaNoWriMo.

Picture of teal necklaceIf you are interested in this necklace (my design!), take a look at:

I also put up one of my heart pendants:

Blue heart pendantIt’s for sale at:

Due to the complicated time commitments, I don’t know if I’ll get more posted or not. I hope to do more this weekend and I have a baby shower, writing, and possibly a new job to contend with! I’ll let you know.


Being busy is a joy, even though I’m feeling overwhelmed right this moment. Really, in my heart, I know I have created my life this way. I like being busy and feeling like I’m living on the edge of what I can do. It’s scary, it’s exhilarating, it’s overwhelming, it’s stressful, it stretches me to my limits and beyond. I will grow from this.

What stretches you? Can you grow without be pushed to the limit. I know I can’t. If there’s no push, I’ll sit in my corner and wonder why I’m so bored. Growth, at least for me, is not easy. But then, as Helen Keller said, “Life is an adventure or it is nothing.”

Have a great Friday and a wonderful, adventurous weekend. And don’t forget to create a miracle for someone, maybe even you!


Catching Up (Pant, Pant)


Okay, after a wild and woolly writing weekend, I am less than a thousand words behind. I am feeling very positive about this, especially because there are hints that I’m actually writing a decent story. Although I have to admit to using a couple of plot devices, such as the free shrimp dinner, to run up my word count. However, I do think NaNoWriMo winners should be entitled to free shrimp dinners. When I have a moment, I’m going to do a little creating.

Part of the reason I think we should get anything in the way of free food is because nutritional concerns are right out the window here. Oh, am I hungry? What can I grab and shove in my chops while writing? Or I’ll just wait until I finish this page…..I may also have permanent kidney damage from doing the same thing about bio breaks. Ah, well, the sacrifices one must make for one’s art.

I know, I’m a little giddy. I’m back to thinking I really will get this done. Talk to me at the end of next week.


Still no progress here. Maybe tomorrow, if I stay on track. My husband has been home for four days, which is way too much distraction for me to get art and writing done.


I have a lot to be joyful about today. My son is back from sea duty. I know he loves being a submariner in the Navy, but his mother is happier when he’s on shore. At least he’s on a nuclear sub, which is a pretty safe way to travel, despite Hollywood’s attempts to convince us otherwise. I’m glad he’s home.

My daughter was feeling well enough to participate in the Race For Fetal Hope, a 5k run/walk. I’m so proud of her! Last year at this time, she lost a child to Trisomy-18, a genetic disorder that randomly strikes 1 in 3000 pregnancies.

My stepmom is coming to Denver in December, hopefully to be here when her newest great-grandchild is born. We lost my father last year in the first week of December and Mom has had a difficult year as she adjusted to his absence. I am so glad she’s joining us!

My son, his wife, and my incredibly handsome, talented, and wise beyond his year grandson are also coming at the same time, for the same reason. We will get to celebrate Donovan’s first birthday with them. What could be more joyful than that?

As you can see, we had a tough end to last year. This year, we all have new definitions of joy, mostly having to do with being grateful for each other and all the people who love and support us. Here in the US, we’re coming up on our Thanksgiving holiday and I’m already thinking of everything and everyone I’m grateful for. Give some thought to what you’re grateful for and smile for a bit. Then go have a fabulous Monday and create something magnificent with someone you love!

Update On Word Count; This Thing Is Happening!

Word count: 15, 367


Living NaNoWriMo is proving to be an interesting experience. My characters are as real as my husband sometimes. I keep looking for an elderly St. Bernard to move in. I think about flagging down cop cars so I can ask the police questions that would help. I did ask my doctor about my main character’s broken ankle. He loved it! If I actually get up the nerve to waylay a cop, hopefully he or she will be just as enthusiastic.

I have no idea if what I’m writing is any good. When I’m not into it, I worry about that.

On the other hand, this is just a rough draft. Really. I’ve even promised myself to put it away for the month of December because I will have family here and my daughter’s baby is due. On the other hand (I took lessons from Reb Tevye), my family could all serve as first readers, couldn’t they?

I think Chris Baty is correct in assessing Wrimos as crazy. He should know; he invented this game.

I created a fundraising page, if you would like to sponsor my participation in this event. It’s actually one of the coolest things I’ve ever done. Help keep those servers up and running! I also intend to get some stuff posted on E-Bay, please God, this weekend. It’s sitting on my clay table, making me guilty except for when I’m writing. Hey, if I raise $250 by the 17th, I can go to San Francisco to A Night Of Writing Dangerously. That would boost my word count! I could write on the plane!


Right now it’s all going to the book. As I said above, hopefully I’ll get some pretties up on E-Bay. Stay tuned!


Tomorrow I’m going to my first Write-In, where a bunch of Wrimos get together, shmooze, drink coffee, and write. Tonight, I discovered the joy of writing someplace that wasn’t my house. My husband dropped me off at Barnes & Noble with my NOOK and my laptop. After downloading my freebies for being in the store (they give me free books! someday I’ll read them!), I sat and wrote, nearly doubling my output for the day. Huzzah!

The point here is that when we find ourselves bogging down, whether it’s parenting, working, or writing a novel, doing something different can make a world of difference. Whenever I couldn’t stand my house or my kids one second longer, we went to the zoo. We had a membership there for years so Mom could take mini-vacations now and then. Museums work, too. We still spend time at the Denver Museum of Nature & Science (formerly known as the Denver Natural History Museum). We also took field trips to Tattered Cover, Barnes & Noble, and any other bookstore we could find. Books are special in my house. My reward for finishing my book is probably a trip to the zoo with my grandson, woohoo! So when life is getting to be too much, go somewhere to play, whatever that looks like to you. It’s good for the soul.

Now, go have an amazing weekend, kiss somebody you love, and create a few miracles!!

Delays, delays or Welcome To Being Human

Word count: 10,389


Doesn’t that word count sound great? Unfortunately, I’m 2,947 words short of where I ought to be right now! This is what happened:

Friday: I was about 800 words ahead of where I needed to be. I went off to a Polymer Clay retreat, confident that I would be fine taking Saturday off.

Saturday: I continued retreating. It was fabulous! Pictures will be forthcoming.

Sunday: I woke up with a cold. Totally stuffy, I spent the day looking like a gasping fish. I didn’t write.

Monday: As I was jumping back on my writing horse, my darling daughter called to tell me she was in pre-term labor and would I come to the hospital with her. I packed up my computer and took off. I did manage to write about 1,100 words of dubious quality, but it really wasn’t what I needed to do.

Today, I wrote a little over 1,800 words and I’m feeling a little more on course. I figured out that to catch up in seven days, I only need to write an extra 400 words a day. Eminently doable! New daily goal: 2,067 words. I can do this.

By the way, lest you think me uncaring mother, the hospital got my daughter’s contractions stopped and determined that her cervix did not appreciable dilate during process. She and my granddaughter are healthy and the granddaughter is likely happy. My daughter is beginning to want the pregnancy over, although not before the baby is well developed. Her due date is Dec. 20th and I will be very happy if she makes it a great deal closer before giving birth!! We watched Tangled and Gnomeo and Juliet while waiting for her belly to quiet down. Unfortunately, I couldn’t hear them, so now I have to have a movie night! In early December.

She grew up with me as a working writer, so she doesn’t take it personally when I sit and write with her around. Or even if I write through movies. It’s just the way her Mom is.


I promise tomorrow I will get pictures up.


I really wanted to give up NaNoWriMo this morning. It started looking like catching up was insurmountable. I wrote a book review before jumping back into my story. At 5:00 pm when my husband got home, I hadn’t finished my 1,667 words. I really wanted to quit.

So I had my main character’s husband make my favorite dish for her dinner. It worked! It took me over 1,800 words! And I got back in touch with how much fun this really is. It was only insurmountable when I wasn’t doing it. Ever notice how huge a task looks up until you’re actually in the midst of getting it done? Before you start, it seems gigantic and it gets bigger, the longer you put it off. Once you start, though, it resolves into a series of do-able steps. Hmmm.

And now, if you will excuse me, I really need to get another couple hundred words into the manuscript!



Quickie Post For Word Count

Word Count: 3938

We bowled tonight and I’m pooped. I wanted to share really quick about something that happened tonight. I was bowling pretty badly and I kept trying to figure out what I was doing wrong. About halfway through the second game, when I had a whopping 26 in the fifth frame, I suddenly thought, “Nothing about any of the balls I’ve thrown tonight has anything to do with the ball I’m about to throw.” I threw a strike, followed by another strike. I ended up with a 136 game–not what was predictable halfway through, for sure! Such is the power of putting the past in the past and getting it the heck out of the future. Thank you, Landmark Education Forum!

It’s really the same thing with NaNoWriMo. I did try two years ago, but I didn’t even come close to winning. I could have let that dictate how it would turn out this year. I still could, for that matter. My commitment this year is not to let the past have any say in the matter.

Just putting the thought out there, because really, nothing about how yesterday went needs to have an impact on today. Have a marvelous Thursday, full of the miraculous!