It’s All About Food Today

I am proud to take part in Blog Action Day Oct 16, 2011
Today, bloggers around the world have teamed up with for Blog Action Day 2011. Although I have lots of interesting stuff to share, really, the focus of today has to be this:

Famine commercial from

As I sit in my warm house, contemplating the topic “food”, people in East Africa are starving. Signing the petition at might help some, although it will put more tax strain on all of us. Nonetheless, children, women, and men are literally starving to death. Men can’t provide for their families; women can’t feed their kids, and children are going to sleep to escape hunger pains. In a world where anything is possible, there exists the possibility of ending this horror. Please, do what you can.


Having bloggers all over the world concentrate on Food for one day may be the most powerful way to celebrate World Food Day. If you’re a blogger, check out the topic suggestions at Blog Action Day 2011 and write something. Writers make a difference and our words have power. Today is one when we join with a lot of others to make a difference worldwide. Just. Do. It.


This section has wiped out my post every time I’ve tried to put a picture in and I’m tired of rewriting it. I wanted to say three things here:

1. Food can be an art form in it self. What if, though, you couldn’t get a necessary ingredient because of your culture? This lady has a solution for creating vanilla extract where alcohol is forbidden. It’s an interesting glimpse into Middle Eastern culture from a food creation point of view.

2. Our art supplies can often damage the earth. We owe it to ourselves to keep our planet as healthy as possible. Here’s an article on the Dick Blick website about being greener as an artist.

3. Polymer clay artists like myself have endured a lot of change in our history. Recently, we’ve been dealing with a reformulation to accommodate environmental standards. Despite being softer, the new clays are hopefully better for our health than they were and I appreciate that. Besides, the other problem will almost certainly be dealt with.

On that same topic, while I was digging around, I found this link to an artist who wants to add scent to miniature foods sculpted from polymer clay. Interesting idea, particularly because clay stinks while baking!


Ah, the joy of food! I enjoy it a lot more than my weight and health benefit from. Sigh. It’s fall, harvest, and time for one of my most favorite topics ever:

Beautiful homemade pumpkin pie

Pumpkin pie!

Does anybody not love pumpkin pie? Really? That leaves more for me, now doesn’t it. And pumpkin pie is made with a squash, so it’s good for you, heh, heh, heh.

By the way, if you click on the picture, it will take you to a recipe on for making pumpkin pie from a pumpkin rather than from a can. I have done this and had great results. That site can also direct you to places in your state where you can harvest your own fresh fruit and vegetables. While I haven’t picked pumpkins, I have picked green chilis and onions in New Mexico. They made great salsa which then ate through an aluminum pan. Note to self: don’t leave salsa in a pan!

The Pick Your Own and Grow Your Own movements all point to something we must consider today of all days. Locally grown food tastes better and is generally more nutritious than food that has to travel great distances. In urban Colorado, we have two great resources for locally grown foods, Whole Foods and Natural Grocers by Vitamin Cottage. If we don’t support our local farmers and control our urban sprawl, we endanger the future of our cities. Check here for what farmers and ranchers have to say about producing our food and how we can best participate with them.  Spread the joy with your farming and ranching neighbors!

And that does it for today. I will once again point out that this post started with Famine, Blog Action Day 2011, and World Food Day. When a person is starving to death, joy simply isn’t a concern for them. If we are to live in a joyful world, we have to end this scourge. Do what you can.

2 thoughts on “It’s All About Food Today

  1. Excellent post and I love the way you wove the call to action with other food topics. We are blessed to have food to eat and I pray others will have the opportunity for same.

    • Ah, thanks for your kind words! Starvation in a world where everyone could be fed just horrifies and offends me. I hope I live long enough to see the day when food is not used as political or economical tool. I’m not that old (I don’t think I am, anyway!), but it has been this way for so long that I suspect it will take a while to correct. Sometimes we humans just don’t treat each other well!

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